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Celebrating the legacy of courageous women in early Buddhism
The wisdom of Bhikkhunī Sangha in modern Buddhism

Parinibbāna Day of Yasodharā Therī

Screenshot 2025-03-05 at 8.55.18 AM.png

19th Century Thai (Rattanakosin) at Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, USA


The lunar anniversary of the Parinibbana of Venerable Bhikkhunī Yasodharā Therī, on the Phagguna Puṇṇami Full Moon.

Venerable Yasodhara Theri was known by several names….

  • The Venerable Bhaddā Kaccānā Therī: For decades she was renowned as one of the Buddha's long-established and outstanding fully-awakened arahant disciples, established by the Buddha as his bhikkhunī disciple "foremost in attainment of great direct knowledge" (mahābhiññapattānam).

  • Bimbā Yasodharā: As princess and wife of the Bodhisatta, before he went forth and awakened as the Buddha. 

  • Rāhulamātā: As the mother of the Bodhisatta’s son Rāhula.


This full moon Uposatha has been passed down in Pāli-text manuscript traditions long-preserved in southern, central and northern Thailand as the date of her Parinibbāna.


Phagguna Puṇṇami Full Moon Uposatha (usually the full moon of March)

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