by Tathālokā Bhikkhunī
December 31,2023

🙏 ✨
May we not neglect Wisdom,
may we persevere in Truth,
may we foster Beneficence,
may we train only in Peace.
'Paññaṁ nappamajjeyya
santim'eva so sikkheyyā'ti.
.......returning to this ✨ 🙏 🌲 🙏 🌲 ✨ 🙏 again and again........
Resolution - Adhiṭṭhāna
to not neglect Wisdom
to persevere in Truth
to foster Beneficence
to train only in Peace
The Buddha, Dhatuvibhanga Sutta, "Middle Length Discourses" Majjhima Nikāya (MN140)
Four Adhiṭṭhānas of the Adhiṭṭhāna Pāramī
🙏 Paññā - Wisdom, discernment
... ✨na pamajjeyya - do not: neglect, be negligent, not be diligent
🙏 Sacca - Truth
... ✨ anurakkheyya - to guard, protect
🙏 Cāga - Beneficence, liberality, generosity, abandoning, giving up, relinquishment
... ✨anubrūheyya - to foster, cultivate, nurture, be devoted to caring for
🙏 Santi - Peace, eva - only
... ✨sikkheyyā - to train oneself
. . .
photo by Tathālokā Therī, New Year's Eve morning sunrise after the rains, with blessings from Dhammadharini's Aranya Bodhi Awakening Forest Hermitage commons lower landing, looking southeast down the old logging road