Tathālokā Therī
November 21, 2022
Dear Community, I was thinking i'd like to offer something to Venerables and Dhamma friends for my 25th anniversary of Bhikkhuni higher ordination (upasampadā). What better thing to offer in kindness and compassion, than clarity and understanding, and all the blessings and benefits that brings? I dedicated this offering to growth in both the mundane and super-mundane of these qualities, as is the way of the Buddha's Dhamma and Vinaya.
With the recent Nov 11th-12th 2022 International Bhikkhunī Ordinations in Bodhgaya offered by United Theravāda Bhikkhunī Saṅgha International (of which i'm a part*) and the Maha Bodhi Society of India (of which i'm an honorary lifetime member), some people seem to have taken notice, who didn't before.
(*I'm serving as the UTBSI Coordinator for Bhikkhunī Sangha History/HerStory & Heritage.)
This simple question has been coming to me this past week, directly and indirectly through Sangha and friends:
✨"So when then did the Theravāda Bhikkhunī Sangha get resurrected? And how?"✨
Simple questions, but as a widespread and multifaceted grass roots effort, not so easy to answer simply, without sacrificing accuracy for brevity. Nonetheless, that is my aim and my challenge that i've taken up here; to be simple, clear, accurate.
As this time frame covers the first decades of my own monastic life, I have both first-hand insider/lived participant knowledge as well as scholarly knowledge. I've tried to distill it down to a single page, on which i could cover the first 15 years. Of course, this does mean not-unimportant details and nuance are not included. Small-text footnotes could cover several more such pages! The proper details could fill a 500-page volume.
Please note, this info-graphic is a DRAFT - as stamped on it. Likewise the text below. ➡️ I am interested in corrections or updates from those who have first-hand "on the ground" knowledge, or well-researched scholarly knowledge. ⬅️
If you are interested, please read the info-graphic first. If you are still interested after that, warm welcome to read this *draft* text that follows -
Triple Gem Blessings!
Namo Buddhāya! Namo Ratanattāya!
May all beings be at ease. May the Dhamma wheel turn.
May the right teachings, practice, path and fruits of the Buddha's Dispensation live long. 🙏🙏🙏
--Theravāda Bhikkhuni Ordination Revival As Seen in Phases--
Phase I:
By 1988, 12 Theravāda bhikkhunīs existed, dually ordained in the old Srāvakayana Vinaya ordination lineage of the Dharmaguptaka-nikāya.
By late 1996, that number increased by 10 (and these bhikkhunīs began to get concentrated and comprehensive Theravāda monastic life education and training).
By early 1998, that number increased by 53 (or more).
Phase II:
By late 1997, bhikkhunīs vetted, prepared and examined by bhikkhunīs, and ordained via the Theravāda Pāli-text bhikkhu rite existed.
Phase III:
By early 1998, there existed 30 Theravāda bhikkhunīs, first dually ordained via the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya lineage, and then reordained in and thus converted to the Pāli-text tradition by Theravāda bhikkhu sangha per the old dalḥīkamma method, a method traditionally used to convert bhikkhus ordained in another Vinaya lineage to full bhikkhu sangha membership/saṁvāsa in a Theravāda nikāya (these bhikkhunīs received a high level of Theravāda monastic life training and education).
By early 2000, this number is increased by 64.
Phase IV:
✨ Reappearance of Pāli-text tradition Dual Theravāda Bhikkhunī Ordination ✨
By late 1998 Dual Theravāda Bhikkhunī Ordinations were revived in Sri Lanka, offered by Theravāda Bhikkhu-Bhikkhuni Sanghas, the numbers have greatly increased, and this method has been continued regularly until now (these bhikkhunīs received a high level of concentrated and comprehensive Theravāda monastic life education and training).
From 2002-2005, Dual Theravāda Bhikkhunī Ordinations were also offered to the first internationals in Sri Lanka: from Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, USA, Malaysia.
My one-page DRAFT info-graphic only goes this far. By extending it a little here,
we see Theravāda bhikkhunī ordinations returning to their homeland of India and coming to the West. And
we gain important insight into the reappearance of Theravāda bhikkhunī preceptors (pavattinī-upajjhāyā) and teachers (ācarinī), that i could not fit on my one-page draft. Because it's very important that not only Theravāda bhikkhunī sanghas, but also senior Theravāda bhikkhunī preceptors and teachers, now exist again in Theravāda Buddhism; not only the first generation, but now also in the second generation.
(1) Phase V:
By 2009 Dual Theravāda Bhikkhunī Ordinations are offered again in India to Indians (in an effort by now senior Sri Lankan bhikkhunīs to return to the great favor)
By 2009-2010 Dual Theravāda Bhikkhunī ordinations are offered in the West, in Australia and USA
(2)✨ Reappearance of Theravāda Bhikkhunī Preceptors ✨
By Phase IV, we see the reappearance of highly-trained Theravāda Bhikkhunī preceptors, senior in monastic life, but young in years as bhikkhunīs, supported by senior bhikkhu preceptors.
By Phase V, we see the reappearance of senior Theravāda Bhikkhunī preceptors, with 12+ years seniority in since Pāli-text tradition Theravāda bhikkhunī ordination.
Phase VI:
By 2010-current (2022), the second generation of Theravāda bhikkhunī preceptors begin to be appointed and serve; they themselves having been dually ordained by Theravāda bhikkhu-bhikkhunī sanghas; after their attaining 12+ years seniority as bhikkhunīs.