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Celebrating the legacy of courageous women in early Buddhism
The wisdom of Bhikkhunī Sangha in modern Buddhism
Tathālokā Therī
July 12, 2024

The colors of these days with our Bhikkhuni Sangha between the new moon and the now-waxing-towards-full Asalha Puja Wheel Turning Dhammacakkappavantana Dhamma Day (this coming July 20th-21st) and Entry Into the Vassa (July 22nd).

1. Yesterday evening beneath the boughs of the Ananda Bodhi Tree sapling at the American Buddhist Seminary in Sacramento with venerable abbot Bhante Tekewe Shantharakshitha Mahathero (thank you so much Bhante)

2. Our bhikkhuni sangha gathered for reciting the Bhikkhuni Patimokkha on the July new moon at Dhammadharini Monastery in the San Francisco North Bay (thank you to our venerable Bhikkhuni Theri reciter and the whole sangha)

3. Walking around beneath the blissful boughs of the Ananda Bodhi Tree sapling remember the salient qualities of the Buddha (thank you to everyone who has offered this very special space)

4. Bodhgaya Vajrasana Bodhi bonsai Bodhi seed child Bodhi leaf painting of our simple monastic requisites and seat: sitting cloth, almsbowl, water flask (painted and caringly given by venerable Dhammānusārī Bhikkhunī)

5. with venerable bhikkhunis Vandana and Thāvirā sitting beneath the boughs of Bodhi beneath the waxing moon light

6. palms in anjali, remember the Buddha's weeks of gratitude meditation and contemplation before setting forth to turn the Dhamma wheel, walking towards the place of the rishis in the Varanasi deer park

7. gratitude to first Theravada monk to arrive in Northern California, American Buddhist Seminary founder Bhante Madawala Seelawimala Mahathero, for his 50 years of enormous service for the Buddha Sasana throughout western North America, introducing our newest bhikkhuni, and those newly exploring monastic life.

8. (no photo) enjoying singing the song of the Aparā Uttamā Therīgāthā:

“Ye ime satta bojjhaṅgā,

maggā nibbānapattiyā;

Bhāvitā te mayā sabbe,

yathā buddhena desitā.


lābhinīhaṁ yadicchakaṁ;

Orasā dhītā buddhassa,

nibbānābhiratā sadā.

Sabbe kāmā samucchinnā,

ye dibbā ye ca mānusā;

Vikkhīṇo jātisaṁsāro,

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.

“These seven factors of enlightenment,

the path for the attainment of Nibbāna -

in them all I have developed myself

just as the Awakened One taught.


I attain them all at will -

as a true daughter and true heir of the Buddha

finding joy forever in Nibbāna.

Sense desires are all completely cut off,

both human and divine -

Utterly finished with saṁsāric rebirth,

there is no more need for further becoming.”

- Aparā Uttamā Therī,* Therīgāthā 3.3

*per ancient Pāli-text commentator Ācariya Dhammapāla, also known as Modakadāyikā Therī

The colors of these days

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