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Celebrating the legacy of courageous women in early Buddhism
The wisdom of Bhikkhunī Sangha in modern Buddhism


Those who wish to be a part of supporting our Bhikkhunis’ whole life path:

Practice and teaching, with all the resulting blessings and merits,

will find helpful information here about how you may contribute.

About Dhammadharini Support Foundation

Dhammadharini Support Foundation stewards the monetary gifts of the community of lay friends and supporters of our Bhikkhuni Sangha, providing the Bhikkhunis’ community with the traditional four requisites of monastic life: alms food, lodging, robes, and medicine, together with contemporary requisites like transportation, and supports for Dhamma study and teaching. 


The Bhikkhunis and Samaneris of our Dhammadharini Sangha, living this ancient Path as monastics and spiritual seekers fully holding the precepts of the Vinaya, cannot keep or handle money. The Bhikkhunis can only eat or drink that which is offered to them on the morning of any given day. Therefore our monastics are completely dependent on the lay community for their physical support. From the time of the Buddha, according to the way the Buddha himself chose to live after his Awakening, support for the monastic life has been provided through such daily acts of generosity, in a beneficial and harmonious symbiosis with the lay community.


The spiritual friendship that develops is a beautiful and precious gift from the Buddha.


Supporting the Four Requisites

Four Requisites

The Four Primary Requisites for Buddhist Monastics
are Robes, Food, Medicines, and Lodgings

Dhammadharini Support Foundation invites you to join in supporting the basic needs of the community. You may do this with a donation to the General Fund, or by supporting one of the Four Requisites more directly as described below. 

Dhammadharini Support Foundation is especially appreciative of recurring donations, which improve our ability to plan for a sustainable future.

Basic essential operating costs for the community:​​

One day of basic essential operating costs for the whole community is $486. This breaks down into:

  • One day of basic operating costs for property and facilities for the whole community (buildings, vehicles, utilities, insurance, repairs, etc) is $406

  • One day of food/clothing/medical requisites for the monastics is $80

Food Dana Amisa Dana

There are many ways you can support nourishing the Bhikkhuni Sangha, from near or far.

Bring a prepared dish for the meal  to the monastery or hermitage

Sponsor a monastic Sangha meal from a local  restaurant

Sponsor a full week of groceries for the whole community

Offer gift card for local grocery store

Make a recurring donation of any amount for “Grocery Dana”

Offer a food item from the Useful Things List

Food Dana
Lodgings Dana

Monastic Lodgings Dana Senasana Dana

Make a recurring donation of any amount to “Lodgings Dana”

Make a one-time donation towards paying down the monastery mortgage ($245K remaining)

Make a recurring donation to repair and improve the buildings at Aranya Bodhi and Dhammadharini Monastery

Make a one-time donation to repair and improve the buildings at Aranya Bodhi and Dhammadharini Monastery

Lodging operating costs:
  • Mortgage + property tax for one day is $76

  • Insurance: Because of increased wildfire risk in California, there has been a tremendous increase in cost. One day of property and liability insurance is $75 

  • Utilities (keep the lights on and the buildings heated!) for one day are $30

Current Special Projects: Dhammadharini Monastery
  • Contribute to the 2025 “Small Facilities Projects” Fund, to enable completing a number of small upgrades and repairs. Goal $20,000. 

Current Special Projects: Aranya Bodhi Hermitage
  • Fire Abatement Tree work: Completion of shaded-fuel breaks along the Aranya Bodhi roads, which would enable safe egress of residents, and safe entry of fire personnel and vehicles in case of a fire. This is the third and final phase of the shaded fuel break work. Goal: $20,000.

  • Aranya Bodhi Facilities Improvements: There are plans to build an Elder’s Office/Studio Kuti, an upgraded Dana offering area, and an upgraded privy - and hopes that combining all of these projects into a cohesive project will provide efficiencies and cost savings.  Sufficient funds have been raised to hopefully begin work in 2025, with the first phase being more detailed planning and cost estimates for the whole project. Please contact us if you would like to know more, and contribute!


Monastic Medical Dana Bhesajja Dana

Make a recurring donation of any amount to “Monastic Medical Fund”

Make a one time donation to “Monastic Medical Fund”

Medical Fund:
  • This fund is used for additional costs beyond what is included in the monastics’ medical coverage.  Goal: $6,400 remains to replenish $10,000 Monastic Medical Fund.

Medical Dana
Dhamma Projects
Support our regular online Dhamma teachings:
  • Facilities needed for online Dhamma teachings (internet & communications, website, streaming tools) for one day is $28

Special Dhamma projects for 2025:
  • Monastic Transportation Fund: There are several wonderful international monastics (more senior teaching monastics, middle-year monastics, young monastics, and candidates for ordination) whom we hope will join us in 2025 for teaching, training, and time with the Dhammadharini community. Goal: $16,000

  • Supporting the Indian Bhikkhuni Sangha: 2025-2026 will be an especially important time for the Indian Bhikkhunis, because India is leading the International Tipitaka chanting. We plan initiatives to support, encourage, and moralize them during the upcoming time. Overall Goal: $18,000. 

    • Printing Patimokkha book in the Marathi language, Goal: $1,000. Already fully supported, anumodana!

  • Attending Sakyadhita Conference: Travel expenses for three monastics to attend this international conference of Buddhist women, to strengthen Dhammadharini’s international connections, Goal: $7,500. $3,000 offered so far, anumodana!

  • Cambodian Bhikkhuni Sangha Initiative fund: to support the training and growth of the fledging Cambodian Bhikkhuni Sangha. 

  • Dhamma Dana Book Postage Fund: for shipment of the first modern bhikkhuni anthology Let the Light Shine: Reflections from Theravada Bhikkhunis. A second printing will be donated by the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery of Singapore, if we can cover the postage/shipping costs. Target: $2,000


Dhamma Projects


Here they rejoice, there they rejoice –

the doer of benevolent deeds rejoices in both places,

finding joy, inspiration and great gladness

in seeing the fulfillment of their pure intentions and deeds.

the Buddha, Dhammapada 16

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