Teaching & Writings of
Venerable Tathālokā Mahātherī

"Launching of Awareness" Honoring the Parinibbāna Day of Bimbā Yasodharā (Bhaddā Kaccānā) Therī (March 2024) (work of Venerable Tathālokā, presented here by Sāmanerī Thāvirā)
"In the Presence of Nibbāna - Nibbānasantike” Meditation & Dhamma Talk, Special Atthami Half Moon Paṭipatti Puja Honoring the Parinibbana of Mahapajapati Gotami (February 2023)
Winter Retreat 2023 Uposatha Teachings (January - April 2023)
Sanghamitta Day 2022: Announcements Re: Upcoming UTBSI Mahapajapati Gotami Parinibbana Day (December 2022, UTBSI)
Sanghamitta Day 2022: 1997 Bhikkhuni Ordination 25th Anniversary (December 2022, UTBSI)
Short version of this presentation on the November 22nd 1997 Bhikkhunī Ordination at International Meditation Center (IBMC) in Los Angeles, and its importance.
Full-length version: A longer version of this presentation which gives more context, and shares part of the personal story of Venerable Tathālokā, who was one of those ordained (PDF of presentation).
Classes taught for the International Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination Bodhgaya (ITBOB) (November 2022, UTBSI):
"Intro to Bhikkhunī Sangha History & Bhikkhunī Vinaya" (PDF of presentation)
"Bhikkhuni Confession and Restitution in Pali-text Vinaya" (PDF of presentation) This is Vinaya teaching for Bhikkhunīs and those training for Bhikkhunī higher ordination.
"Celebrating World Bhikkhuni Day! An interview with Bhikkhuni Ayya Tathālokā Maha Theri" (September 2022, Buddhist Society of Western Australia)
"Reverence and Resilience" Vesak Dhamma Talk at Aranya Bodhi Hermitage (May 2022)
Buddha's Birth "Manifesting the Noble Intention" (May 2022, UTBSI)
The Story of the Parinibbāna of Mahāpajāpati Gotamī Therī: Texts, Voice, Legacy (PDF of presentation) (February 2022, UTBSI)
Pioneering Dhamma Journeys: Acknowledging the Significant Contribution of the Bhikkhunī Revival (PDF of presentation) (January 2022)
"Walking in the Footsteps of Great Theri Sanghamitta" (December 2021)
"Gender Equality in Pali Text Buddhism" (November 2021)
Historic Archival Heritage Video of the 1996 Bhikkhunī Upasampadā Higher Ordination (November 2021)
"Fulfilling the Buddha's Vision," documentary from Voice of America:
Thai version on YouTube: สารคดีพิเศษ: สู่ความเท่าเทียมและพุทธบริษัท 4 ของภิกษุณีสองทวีป ("Towards Equality and the Buddha's Fourfold Assembly: (a Tale of) Bhikkhunis on Two Continents") (October 2021)
English version on YouTube: Fulfilling Buddha's Vision (December 2021)
The documentary may also be viewed for free on the VOA+ App with English subtitles.
"History of Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in America" (September 2021, Maha Bodhi Society of India)
Vassa 2021 Uposatha teachings on Cittānupassana:
Exploring the Hindrances and Disentanglement (August 2021)
Exploring Freedom (October 2021)
History and Meaning of Vesak (May 2021)
"Being Supported By the Qualities of the Buddha" Vesak Full Moon Dhamma Talk (May 2021)
Bhante Sujato & Ayya Tathaloka: Rediscovering Bhadda Kundalakesa and the Early Bhikkhunis (May 2021, Therigatha Festival)
Ayya Tathaloka & Bhante Sujato: The Therigatha Herstory of Bhikkhuni Ordination (May 2021, Therigatha Festival)
Winter Retreat 2021 Uposatha teachings (playlist), inspired by the community's practice with the recorded retreat teachings from the late most venerable Ayya Khema (January - March 2021)
How to use the Dhamma to Solve the Problem in Daily Life (September 2020, The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in USA)
"Do Bhikkhunīs Contain the Potency of Ordination Transmission? If so, whence the source?" (August 2020, "Female Religious Leaders and Dynamics of Female Agency" Workshop)
Dhamma Talk on Bhikkhuni (Female Monks) in the US (June 2020, IIMC-Redmond)
"Birth, Death and Awakening" Full Moon Dhamma Talk at the Aranya Bodhi Stupa (Vesak 2020)
Buddhism in the Time of COVD - Session A2 - Venerable Bhikkhuni Tathālokā Theri (April 2020, Dhammanet)
Talk at Stanford University: "Powerful Challenges, Powerful Rewards: Women Awakening Via the Renunciant Path in 21st Century Buddhism" (April 2019)
Ayya Tathaaloka Maha Theri at the BMICH (January 2019, Colombo Sri Lanka)
Bodhi TV Report: Buddhist Women's Awakening (December 2018, Charumati Bihara Nepal)
"Norms Engineering and HerStory," Presentation to the International Buddhist Bhikkhuni Forum in Toronto (May 2018)
Ven Bhikkhuni Ayya Tathaaloka Guided Sitting Meditation (April 2018, Global Mindfulness Summit)
“HiStory, Her Story, Our Story” (March 2018, Metta Centre)
Guided meditation with Ayya Tathaaloka (March 2018, Metta Centre)
Bhikkhuni Ayya Tathaaloka in Sri Lanka (January 2018, Sri Lanka)
Bhikkhuni Ayya Tathaaloka Maha Theri in Sri Lanka "As Clean As or Cleaner" (January 2018, Sri Lanka)
Transcendental Love (May 2017, Metta Centre)
"The Role of Bhikkhunis in Society Past and Present" International Women's Day Talk (March 2017)
Awakening to and Reversing the Impact of Theologies of Gender on Climate Change (October 2013)
Reflections on Spiritual Friendship (March 2013, Sravasti Abbey)
Practice of Non-Conceit and Humility (March 2013, Sravasti Abbey)
Garudhammas Talk at Santi Forest Monastery Bhikkhuni Seminar (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (May 2008, Santi Monastery)
Building Respectful Dialogue, Santi Bhikkhuni Seminar (April 2008, Santi Monastery)
Why Bhikkhuni Ordination?, Santi Bhikkhuni Seminar (April 2008, Santi Monastery)
Rebirth: A Story of Theravada Bhikkhunis. A Film by Sara Patton (2007)
Treasure Mountain Podcast interview
Part 1: "Determination To Live The Holy Life" (July 31, 2022)
Part 2: "Restoring The Bhikkhuni Sangha For Our Times" (August 9, 2022)
Collection of Ven Tathaloka's talks given at Dhammadharini, hosted by Dharmaseed
Reflections on Sujātā, given at the Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery’s International Bhikkhuni Day celebration (2015)
Written Dhamma Reflections
Remembering & honoring the life of Ajahn Vayama (November 2021)
In Memory of Venerable Bhikkhuni Kusuma (September 2021)
The Passing of our dear Dhamma Sister Ven. "Achie Ayye" Bhikkhuni Satima Theri (May 2020)
"The Day the Veil Between the Worlds is Thinnest" Reflection on All Hallow's Eve & Dia de los Muertos (October 2015)
Bearing Fruit (Spring 2015)
Back from the Desert ~ a Good Goodbye to Ruth & Celebration of Dhamma (March 2015)
Going Forth & Going Out ~ the Parinibbana of Mahapajapati Gotami (February 2015)
Like the Moon Freed from Clouds ~ Rejoicing in New Bhikkuni Jayati's Ordination (November 2014)
Spring Equinox ~ Freshness, Balance & Ease (March 2014)
Hearts Blaze Forth Beneath the Cold Moon (Nelson Mandela, Theri Sanghamitta, the Season & the Dhamma) (December 2013)
End of Vassa & the Blessings of Thanksgiving (November 2013)
"As Clean As, Or Cleaner" On the Unseasonal Rains & Climate Change (June 2013)
In Tribute to All Mother Beings (May 2013)
At the Peak of the Mountain ~ Storm Blowing All Around (December 2012)
A Garland of New Samaneris for the Sangha ~ Reflecting Back on International Bhikkhuni Days (October 2012)
To Take No Offense (in a World On Fire) (September 2012)
Freedom From Tyranny (July 2012)
Top of the Path: Seeing and Knowing Comes Home on the Longest Day (June 2012)
This is Peaceful: Benevolent Memory - Freeing the Mind (Memorial Day, May 2012)
Earth Day Earth Witness (April 2012)
Moon over Coromandel (March 2012)
Lunar Eclipse at Dawn ~ Sanghamitta Day Uposatha (December 2011)
Return of the Ancient Forest (July 2011)
Dove-colored Bones, Gratitude and Grace - a Memorial Recollection (May 2011)
A Rite of Spring: Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Liberation (April 2011)
From Death to Deathlessness: An Easter Contemplation on Anastasia (April 2011)
Aid to Japan & Caring Well and Wisely for our own hearts (March 2011)
New Year's Reflection: On Gates, Doorways, Beginnings and Time (January 2011)
December 21 Winter Solstice, Full Moon, Eclipse, Sanghamitta's Day (December 2010)
Daring to Dream (December 2010)
On the Heart and Gift of Gratitude (November 2010)
Metta Day (February 14, 2010)
Entering the Wisdom Division: New Year's Eve Note Reflecting on the Power of Resolutions (December 2009)
From Darkness to Light: Dhamma Reflections for the Winter Solstice (December 2009)
Articles & Papers
Bodhgaya International Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination January 2019 (March 2019, Buddhistdoor Global)
Forum: What Is Enlightenment? (April 2018, Lion's Roar)
The Greatest Gift: “For Our Long-lasting Benefit and Happiness” (December 2017, Buddhistdoor Global). Written as part of the series Planetary Healing: Buddhism and World Ecology.
"Coming Into Our Own": Perspective of a Bhikkhuni Preceptor on Discipline, Agency and Inquiry Amidst the Renascent Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha/s (2017, International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference Toronto)
Women of Wisdom, Women of Power: Commemorative Reflection on the Lunar Anniversary of the Parinibbāna of Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī Therī, Founding Mother of the Bhikkhunī Sangha (February 2017, Present Magazine)
"Honoring Those Worthy of Honor: Contributions of the Late Ven. Dr. Havanpola Ratanasāra and Other Early Preceptors Reviving the Theravāda Bhikkhunī Sangha through the Groundbreaking Ordinations of Buddhist Women in the 1980s" (February 2017, Present Magazine)
"The 2,600th Anniversary of the Global Bhikkhuni Sangha and Fourfold Sangha of the Buddha" (September 2016, Buddhistdoor Global)
Glimmers of a Thai Bhikkhuni Sangha History (July 2015)
History of Women in Buddhism - Indonesia (10 part series, Sakyadhita Awakening Buddhist Women blog)
Part 1: Introduction Twelve Javanese Sites Worthy of Interest: Monuments & Sites Related to Women in Buddhism & Bhikkhunīs (February 2015)
Part 2: Indonesian Bhikkhunīs & Women Ascetics: A Historical Introduction & Survey of Terminology (March 2015)
Part 3: South Indian Bhikkhunī Manimekalai Travels to Java (April 2015)
Part 4: International Buddhist Networking, Bhikkhunīs and Women’s Leadership in the 5th-7th Century Indonesian South Seas (April 2015)
Part 5: The Mystery Story of Devi Kili Suci ~ the 11th Century Vanishing Crown Princess Bhikkhunī Hermit & Her Selomangleng Goa Cave (April 2015)
Part 6: Bhrikutī & the Appearance of New Non-Bhikkhunī Forms of Women’s Asceticism in Buddhism (April 2015)
Part 7: Ardhanāriśvārī Ken Dedes & Gender in Ancient Indian Buddhism (May 2015)
Part 8: Gāyatrī Rājapatni: Queen, Bhikkhunī & the Prajñāpāramitā (May 2015)
Part 9: Tomé Pires Witness & the Beguines, change comes to the roles of women in religion in Indonesia (June 2015)
Part 10: Shedding Light on the Bhikkhunīs & the Great Founding Women of Borobudur (Sakyadhita Conference Presentation) (June 2015)
Ven Analayo's Legality of Bhikkhuni Ordination Article Now Released (September 2013)
The Seven Sisters and Female Past in Early Buddhism | International Bhikkhuni Day & Bhikkhuni Sangha Founding Anniversary (August 2013)
Beyond Ambiguity: Going Beyond Gender Ambiguity in Theravada Forest Tradition (August 2013)
Lasting Inspiration: A Look into the Guiding and Determining Mental and Emotional States of Liberated Arahant Women in
Their Path of Practice and its Fulfillment as Expressed in the Sacred Biographies of the Therī Apadāna (Present Magazine, December 2012) -
The Amazing Transformations of Arahant Theri Uppalavanna (September 2011)
Precedent from Early Arahants on the Bestowal of Bhikkhuni Ordination (December 2009)
Abbreviated version also published on the Sakyadhita Awakening Buddhist Women blog (November 2013)
On the Apparent Non-historicity of the Eight Garudhammas Story As it Stands in the Pali-text Cullavagga and Comparative Vinaya Scholarship (2009)
Saffron and Green in the Clear Forest Pool, Gethsemani III (May 2008)
Mining for Gold. Paper presented at the "1st International Congress on Buddhist Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages," held at the University of Hamburg from July 18-20, 2007, in cooperation with the University’s Asia-Africa Institute (July 2007)
"Luminous Insight: An Interview with Ayyā Tathālokā from Dhammadharini Monastery (USA)," chapter in Gendered Agency in Transcultural Hinduism and Buddhism (2024) (Routledge, Amazon)
"The Ideal Place," chapter in Let the Light Shine (2019)
Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha Fourth Edition, editor (2019)
"Light of the Kilis: Our Javanese Bhikkhuni Foremothers," chapter in Compassion & Social Justice, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo (2015).
"Saffron and Green in the Clear Forest Pool," chapter in Green Monasticism (2014)
Media about Ven. Tathālokā Mahātherī
켈리포니아 숲속의 비구니 계단을 이끄는: 타타 로카 비구니. 미주 현대 불교 Modern Buddhism Magazine 제 361 호 | 불기 2565 년 | 단기 4354 년 | 서기 2021 년 (September/October 2021)
"What Does an Alms Gatherer Eat Now?" Tricycle (September 2020)
"Restore lost glory of Bhikkhuni order An American Bhikkhuni’s plea" Daily Mirror Online (March 2017)
Appearance on The Mystical Positivist radio show, with Wendy Garling, to discuss Wendy's book Stars at Dawn: Forgotten Stories of Women in the Buddha’s Life (December 2016)
- "Offering Welcome: Ayya Tathaloka" by Caitlyn Dwyer, Buddhistdoor Global (July 2016)
- "The Whole of the Spiritual Life: Two nuns, Thubten Chodron and Ayya Tathaaloka, discuss the vital importance of friendship," Tricycle Magazine (July 2015)
"The Great Inquiry: An Interview with the Venerable Ayya Tathaaloka" by Jacqueline Kramer, Present Magazine (August 2012)
"A Monk's Woman," East Bay Times (May 2006)
"Buddhists Honor Fremont Nun Active in Starting Monastery," East Bay Times (March 2006)